Targets & Metrics

AIM Statement: Create an aim statement for your project

Specific: Precise, concise with one single clear focus.

Measurable: Must be able to easily collect data on it.

Achievable: A metric you can actually meet.

Relevant: Reasonable metric that will meet the goal you are setting.

Timebound: Have clear time boundaries of when things will be complete.

Measures: What outcomes do you want to measure?

Outcome: : The impact on the patient, the end result of doing things.

Process : The things that you do (processes) and how systems are operating.

Balancing : Whether unintended consequences have been introduced elsewhere in the system.


Develop an aim statement, as well as process, outcome and balancing measures for this project.


Background Information


Current State

Root Causes


Targets & Metrics

Develop Countermeasures


Implement Countermeasures (PDSA)


Follow Up Plan
