Facilitators Guide

Facilitators guide:

Every module available on TeachIS.org comes with a facilitators guide specifically designed for that course. The Facilitators Guides for each course can be downloaded with the associated curriculum under the “Curricula” tab. This facilitators guide will help with setting up the course, what items you will need to teach, group size and how to run the activities during the module. The purpose is to support teachers of all levels in delivering this material. Below is an example of part of a facilitators guide.

Presentation Notes:

In addition to the facilitators guide, each PowerPoint presentation also contains “Presentation Notes”. This can be found in the notes section of each slide (see below for illustration). These notes give specific verbiage that should be covered during that slide. They also provide the “answers” for any activities as well as instructions for how to run the activity.

Still have questions?:

If after reading through the facilitators guide, reviewing the PowerPoint and the presentation notes you still have questions about how to run a module please feel free to reach out to us at teachimprovementscience@gmail.com